I was buying some food for my solar cooker project in Math class, and wen to the check out to pay (obviously). As always, there were big, bright tabloids, with huge words emblazoned on the front!!!!!!!!! There were such stories as BRITNEY'S $130,000 ALL FOR K-FED!!!, and CUTEST BEAR ON EARTH!!!, and TOM FEARS THE WORST!!! printed across the top of a picture of him and Katie Holmes "canoodling" for the papparrazzi. Looks to me like a happy couple...
What I don't understand is what really attracts people to these magazines. I have given in once or twice and bought them myself, and I STILL don't know. True, they are entertaining, but is that the only thing? We are in no way connected to these peoples' lives. You don't see "Real Life Tabloid" publishing articles about the random high school girl cheating on her boyfriend with the next door neighbor, so why should we care what happens to celebrities? What makes our idea of a celebrity a celebrity? The definition of celebrity (from the Oxford American dictionary built into my laptop) is a famous person. Don't you respect the majority of famous people? Couldn't your nobel prize winning scientist be defined as a celebrity? Why don't you read about his or her multi million dollar surgery?
I think it is the celebrities who make the most noise. People like (no offense to them) Brittney Spears, Tom Cruise, and cute bears. OK, just kidding about the bear part. They don't talk. But you knew that. Anyway, I was standing there in line, about to make an amazing discovery oabout tabloids, but then my dad said, "OK, Sarah, let's leave now." Figures.
HAHAHAHA, did I get you that time, too? I was only partially kidding arround. I still don;t know what it is about taboids that makes them so attractive, or why we want to hear about the latest Hollywood scandal. It is only depressing, in my opinion. But next tim eyou reach for that tabloid, whether it is the one that you regularly get and are loyal too, or the one that is the cheapest that you buy to prevent boredom on a quick flight, think about why you are buying it. Then come back and comment me telling me why! =P
April 16, 2007
Tabloids...Celebrity...it kind of trails off into it's own thing...
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5:22 PM
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Tabloids and such are popular for the reason that people make habits of judging other people, to the point where it becomes their source of entertainment. This is also why shows such as "Lost", "Survivor", and "Flava of Love" are so popular, as the show requires its watchers to judge the characters' decisions.
Just my two cents.
hey its melody but i cant get passwords to work so this will have to do.... i think htat when ppl r bored or insecure or w/e htey search into other peoples problems as if to make theirs magically slip away. on the other hand spoiled rich seemingly perfectly happy people like to read those too bc their life is soo boring.. ok ik i have like NO right to make these generalizations but im not talking bout ppl who read tabloids bc theyre on a plane and to make fun of them idk
I think people read tabloids and other crap like that because they are simply bord. I think that those people have a boring life and they want to excit it. My advice to them is go get in a relationship of your own. Also people just want to be up to date. Just like technology(dan you would know). Anyway, they also read it because they are absolutley obsesed with that person or that topic. Also, as melody said, they read them just if they are bord because its cheap, entertaining reading material.
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