May 17, 2007


I am crying too much these days. I cry when it rains. I cried at Spider Man 3. I cried during E.T. I cried at the end of the Grey's Anatomy Finale. I hardly keep up with that show. Before that, I saw the last like 60 seconds of the finale of Ungly Betty. I had absolutely NO CLUE as to what was going on and I cried. I cried watching South Park a month ago. I cry at the most random things. I cry listening to songs. I cried watching Scrubs today. I have NEVER been this emotional. Never this emotionally connected to the world. I dont know whats wrong with me.

And if you have nothing supportive to say to this post, dont bloody say it. I am not in the mood. Nothing critical, nothing sarcastic. I would beg, but I dont do that kind of thing.

I need to get a grip...


Anonymous said...

Surprisingly, it's actually pretty normal to cry about a lot of stuff like that, so no, you aren't going crazy.

Can't wait to see you!

Anonymous said...

lol. well i guess i should not say anything then.....if your THAT maybe u were PMSing lol...........ha ha