Not that i have any.
BUT I have been absolutely terrible about keeping up my blog. I hope to make a weekly thing of it, if not more often. So. School has started, which is disgusting because it is so hot out these days. All my teachers are great and I have a feeling that this year is going to be really amazing. Like, incredible amazingness. So I feel really annoyed with myself because I have run out of topics to discuss. So any controversial topics I could discuss?
I could tell you about the hillarious day I had the other day. So at lunch, I went out to the fields and went and lay down in a safe spot all on my own and I turned on my music and sat in the sprinkle of rain. It was very nice until I heard voices come closer and closer. I open my eyes, sit up, and suddenly, Sam, Trent, Devon, and some other people were playing soccer around me. So much for a safe spot. So then they start kicking it around, and I am like, dammit, I am gonna get a concusion from somebody hitting my head with a soccer ball (which is kind of funny because the day I met Trent, he hit me in the stomach with a soccer ball. What a nice connection...). I decided not to move. If I got a concussion, it would mean I might sleep, which I haven't been able to do lately. So eventually, the game moved away from me, and I was left to my peaceful meditations. Or not. A few minutes later, I hear voices come towards me again. Again, I am like, dammit, what now? So I open my eyes, sit up and see Sean and Dan doing a weird run-drop-roll thing. I was horribly confused. They were laughing so hard. The way you laugh when you just absolutely cannot contain yourself but you are doing something reuiring breath, so it comes out like this weird choked up gargle-laugh thing. So maybe you cant see this image, but just try. Running towards me, randomly dropping to the ground, rolling over, getting back up and running again, all the while gargle-laugh-ing. I laughed. i couldn't help it. It was jus tso weird. So then Sean sends some weird glare at me and does a roll right in front of me and then gets up and runs in the ther direction. Obviously, I was all, WTF? So I ask Dan what they were doing-or at least what were they attempting to do. Ninja Rolls. NINJA ROLLS.
So I'm again like wtf and then Dan leaves so I just chalk it up to adolescent insanity, with which I have plenty of experience.
So yeah, I think the year is going pretty well so far for everybody. Even the people in the deepest dulldrums seem happy. No names. God willing, all will go well, and our lives will proceed as usual.
August 25, 2007
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4:57 PM
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1 comment:
ok its melody. anyway im a semi loyal reader. just because i dont read ur blog on a regular basis doesnt mean im not loyal. bc i dotn read anyone elses blogs so i am loyal. u insulting blog writign bitch. jkjk ily
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