Is good. I am happy, and that makes people around me happy, which makes them like sitting with me, which makes me happy, which creates this huge snowball of joy. Yay snowballs of joy! I baked more muffins. They are now...
They are whole wheat spice, with allspice and cinnamon and nutmeg. the batter is tasty, I dunno how the muffins themselves will turn out. Will post pics later. But yeah, they are confusion muffins. Because people are being confusing. It was really funny. So my grandma is staying with me while my parents are in France, and we were wondering where the word allspice came from, and apparently, allspice is supposed to smell like a mix of the spices cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. Interesting, huh? I'm sittint here and there are all these amazing smells wafting over from the oven...reminds me of fall. I think I have found my new recipe. We have been baking a lot today. My grandma's mother cooked and baked a lot, and she has this big recipe box, which my mom got. I have never really looked through it, but today, Grama madean apricot jello salad thing and it looks really good, the recipe was her mother's from said recipe box. If only it were in the low 60s outside, that would make all these smells so much more appropriate...
Ok, went into my spice book and looked up the origins of Allspice. The first intrested observer was Alvarez Chanca, Columbus's physician, who made the discovery in 1492. However, it wasn't truly recognized. In fact, it wasn't intill the late 1600's that John Ray classified it as allspice, whereas before it was just a type of pimienta, or the spanish name for pepper, due to its taste resemlance.
I did too much research. I love spices. Oh, and it also is called All spice in other languages, due to it resembling clove, cinnamon, and nutmeg.
Bibliography:The Lore of Spices-J.O.Swahn
I wrote this at 1:05 in case you can't tell. God. Maybe i should sleep.
snowballs of joy haha. yay =]
snowballs of joy!!! haha good then =] confusion muffins? thats pretty interesting. oh, i watched the whole first season of Grey's Anatomy =] yay me!
i <3 muffins, and greys anatomy, and sarah, and snowballs, and umm ME
i wuv u
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